January 13, 2025



The system will allow you to integrate the features into our codebase, even before those are finished and ready for Release. Those features will be turned on based on some business needs and also certain User levels. When the Dev team working on a particular feature, the feature will go through the workflow, which will help us to validate the feature in different levels of testing.

Type of Feature Toggle


Releasing a specific new feature for a subset of users for a quick evaluation

Dark Release

Testing the underlying App Infrastructure of the new feature


Some of the companies allow their customer to subscribe for testing the feature before its launch to the Public.


This is going to be near to the stable App called Release candidate, we can increase the User group


Release for the Public

Use Cases for Feature Toggle

Branching Strategies

These kinds of toggles will be useful when we are going trunk-based branching model, The developers frequently do the code commit to the master branch, and through the Feature toggle, the unfinished feature will be disabled.

Canary releasing

Sometimes we need to enable a set of features for the specific Users or a specific group. The best Use case as per our application virtual Visit. We enabled API flow for a few of the Users and SSO Flow for the rest of the Users. Type of Feature Toggle

Release Toggle

This Toggle will be useful much better than the release of the App, instead of deployment time, Even though the deployment process may contain all the features in the application, As per the Release plan certain features will be enabled.

Fallback Toggle

These kinds of toggles will be helpful when we introduce the newer approach to the existing features if in case the new approach is failed in the production, this toggle will help us to enable the existing approach of the same feature.

User / Group Specific Toggle

This toggle will help us to test the particular feature with a limited no of Users or any particular group before enabling the feature to the public. This will be called Experiment Feature Toggle, mostly this will be useful for the beta testers and Product Owners to validate the feature before launching it to the End Users

Platform Specific Toggle

Sometimes, one particular platform development is ahead of other platforms, this toggle will help us to enable the feature only for that particular platform instead of enabling it for all platforms.

Sample Feature Toggle Template

Tools for Feature Toggle

Commercial Tools like LaunchDarkly

Custom Design using NoSQL Database and API

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